Starlabs CR5 Creatine

Starlabs CR5 Creatine


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Starlabs CR5 creatine

Creatine is a naturally occuring amino acid (protein building block) found in the human body and it is also readily found in meat and fish. It is recognized across the globe as a performance enhancer, especially for athletes.

Creatine is converted into creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine and primaiily stored in the muscle cells, where it is used for energy. During high intensity training or workouts, the phosphocreatine is converted into ATP (adenoside triphosphate), which is a mayor source of energy. Researchers believe that most athletes can store more creatine than is usually obtained in the diet by using supplements. Not only does this mean increased energy for the muscles to improve muscle strength and develop lean muscle mass, but it also promotes greater bone density.

Weight0.500 kg


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